Quickstart: Cloud
Access to HPC Cloud (short introduction)
Login to ETAIS https://minu.etais.ee and authenticate with your TalTech UniID credentials via MyAccessID.
Upload your SSH Public Key to ETAIS Portal.
Contact us by email (hpcsupport@taltech.ee), in Teams (HPC Support Chat) or through Helpdesk to be added to a Project.
Get familiar with ETAIS documentation here.
Access to HPC Cloud (long version)
Login to ETAIS https://minu.etais.ee and authenticate with your TalTech UniID credentials via MyAccessID
For this the following steps should be done:
1.1 Go to ETAIS https://minu.etais.ee and chose “sign in with MyAccessID”.
1.2 Chose ttu.ee as your affiliation
1.3 Login using Uni-ID (six letters taken from the user’s full name), but for longtime employees it could be name.surname.
1.4 Confirm your data and press button to continue.
1.5 Fill in the required fields, agree with term of use and press submit button.
Upload your SSH Public Key to ETAIS Portal. For this go to SSH page.
Add your public key (id_rsa.pub
) to the correcponging field.How to get SSH keys can be read here.
Contact us by email (hpcsupport@taltech.ee), in Teams (HPC Support Chat) or through Helpdesk to be added to a Project.
Get familiar with ETAIS documentation here.